Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday ... 169.7

Well if you clicked on this blog by mistake..let me congratulate are officially the 10th viewer.  If you clicked on this blog as a repeat reader...welcome back and here we go.... 

Wednesday 169.7...what does that mean?  Well it's official...probalby for the first time in years I jumped on the scale and weighed less then 170 lbs...officially 169.7.  When I was working out all the time in my freshman and sophomore year of college I weighed 165 lbs...and I believe when I graduated high school I was about 150-155.  Obviously, the 20 lbs I have put on since high school is all muscle (end of discussion)....

I made the trek around the inner harbor today for a 4.2 mile run.  It felt pretty good although with in 10 seconds of running I had to adjust my shoes and then I got caught at a light for about a minute...but at this point I can tell the difference between a good run regardless of all the little things that may impact the overall time.  It's amazing how much better this was then the Monday run.

This week I received an Ipod Nano Generation 6.  I sent in the original Gen 1 nano because of a battery recall.  The whole process took about 4 weeks, but let's be honest I really had not used my original nano in about 2 years.  I may use it for a couple of runs, but my music list is if you are out there looking for some new songs for running....or even old songs.  I'll post my current playlist on Friday.

Even though it's certainly an accomplishment to get back under 170 lbs...18 year old me wins today.  However, I laughed thinking about all the failed attempts he made running with a discman that would always inevitably. 

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