Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Today was a scheduled "Strength and Conditioning" day. I actually looked forward to it as I use the Xbox 360 Kinect with Your Shape Fitness Evolved.  A combination of the "Men's Health" 20 minute workout followed by some pushups, situps, and planks.  At the end I was happy it was over.

I credit the Xbox 360 and the Kinect to getting back in shape as it was around this time last year my girlfriend bought me the Kinect (if only she knew the monster it would create!).  I really think Xbox should sponsor me to run in races..maybe wear a special shirt and buy me anything I want...
Also, worth mentioning ... it's Valentine's day...the day for those of us with significant others to ostracize those that don't.  The office is filled with people wearing red and I assume these are people that have are in some sort of relationship.  Everyone in the office that I assumed was not in relationship I believe called out sick today.

I would probably say the only good thing about not being in a relationship during Valentine's day is not being forced to decide between making the trip to see "This Mean's War" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1596350/ or "the Vow" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1606389/  When did Hollywood decide Channing Tatum would be the best new actor?  I'm pretty sure "the Vow" could have been made with Chuck Norris, Lian Neeson, or C3PO and I would be more likely to want to see that movie.

I wish you all a Happy Valentine's day and hope that nobody has to suffer through either of those movies that I mentioned!

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