Monday, February 20, 2012

Saturday 10 Miler

I'm sure you all were waiting an anticipation for an update on Saturday's run experience.  Did he survive?  What if he never blogs again?  How will I spend that minute of everyday?  Well rest assured I survived. 

10.2 miles in the books @ 1:18:36.  Prior to the run I have black coffee, Tri-Berry Gu, and a banana...I'm not big on eating much before I go, but I knew I would need a little something in my stomach.  On my run I took about 5 cherry and 5 watermelon beans and a Clif Shot Razz (in case times got desperate...and they did). 

The weather for the run on Saturday was really good.  The unfortunate thing about that it meant that the amount of runners from the previous weekends multiplied by about 50X.  Also, lots of 2-5 person groups going out.  I think one of the last things I want to do is run with a group of people.  All I want to do is listen to my music, settle into a pace, and not think about anything. 

The run itself went as expected.  I got to about the 7.5 mile mark and started to get a bit hungry...I really never thought about the fact I didn't have any water to take the Clif Shot...but I downed it anyways.  As I turned onto Greene St. and I could see Camden Yards I knew the home stretch was coming, but my legs were really exhausted.  I went around Camden Yards and then I'm pretty sure my brain turned off as the last thing I remember is running on Conway St. and then all of a sudden I was at the apartment.  I forced myself to run inside real quick to take out the I knew once stretching started I wouldn't be moving for a long time. 

Did some stretching standing up and then before I transitioned to the floor I moved my beverages into their "coozies".  I knew I wouldn't be able to stand up for awhile, but as I was unable to move from the floor for about 20-30 minutes I was pretty proud of my achievement.  Less than 30 days now and feeling pretty good about hitting my goals.

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