Monday, February 13, 2012

First Page View Monday

  Well not that I don't blame people for reading this, but I have to say I was pretty excited today when I logged on to find that I had my first page view.  So today I'm dedicating this post to my first viewer (although he or she chose not to subscribe).  My first viewer was from (add drumroll)....Germany.  I can't really say I know a whole lot about German society today but I do know they like David Hasselhoff. 
  David Hasselhoff born in Baltimore, MD (uh oh)...not to jump to conclusions, but I have to say it's looking like my first viewer was probalby trying to understand more about Baltimore because of David Hasselhoff instead of my pursuit of becoming a better athlete then I was at 18.  You know who was also probably in better shape 11 years ago? guessed it David Hassellhoff.
  Other than the first viewer today I braved the 20 degree weather this morning and went for 4.2 miles.  Not very windy, but I was highly unmotivated, so that should count as 2 runs.  I also decided that after a 10 mile race in June 2012 I will begin training for the Houston Marathon!

The race schedule: 
April 15, 2012:  (not registered yet)
May 19, 2012: (5K)
May 20, 2012: (10K)

  I'm going to count today as win for the soon to be 30.  At 18 I would not have gone out in the cold to run over 4 miles. 

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