Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 1 (continued...)

One last bit before I wrap up the first day of comments...

Beating the 18 yr. old me...requires a 64.7% age grade (using the 5:56 mile).

I will probably be using this as my methodology for improvements.

5K Times:
9/11/2011:  24:39 (aged grade 52.4%)
10/15/2011:  22:13 (aged grade 58.1%)
12/11/2011:  21:33 (aged grade 59.9%)

10K Times:
11/24/2011:  46:44 (aged grade 57.5%)

Needless to say we have some work to 64.7% the target  for the 5K is 19:58.  Plenty of time for the next one on 5/19/2011.

Before that race 2 half marathons!  Let the competition begin!

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