Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 1....

Well I've decided to start blogging...who knows why.  Hopefully I will keep it up and look back and find myself highly amusing at 29...probably not.  Anyways, I suppose I'm starting this to keep up my running motivation. 

The blog title "18 Me vs. Soon to be 30 Me" came to mind as I officially stopped running after one week after my last track meet in high school.  The last time I ran around a track I had never previously ran under a 6:00 mile.  I was determined that day and had a stop watch.  I remember I was pacing really well until I had just finished 1200m (1 more lap to go) and I was lagging behind by about 8 seconds (surprising I can remember that as I can barely remember what I ate for lunch yesterday).  When I finished 5:56.  Awesome.  Unfortunately, after that I stopped running for 10+ years.

Which bring us to some sporadic dates in 2011 that I had the urge to run around Baltimore.  One day in March or April I had probably more drinks then I should the night before.  Then a separate day in May in which I ran with Lisa (my now fiance)...she promised I could play video games for an hour if I ran 2 miles with her.  Then on our San Diego trip in late May I went for a run...and after three 5ks and one 10k in 2011.  I'm registered for my first two half marathons...the ultimate goal is to be "faster"...and really faster then me at 18...what I have going for me is that I am much more stubborn and willing to self motivate to hit my goals.

Welcome to the blog...I'm just setting this up, but if anything I hope to show an average runner that gradually improves and adds some humor.

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