Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Casualty at Mile 1

Well I went out today thinking I would do 1 slow mile, then 2 miles at around a 5K pace, and then slow down mile...while I generally know the mile markers for my 4.3 mile run I don't know them exactly (it's looking more and more likely that I'm buying a Garmin watch).  Mile 1:  8:56 Mile 2:  7:36 Mile 3:  6:48 Mile 4:  8:00

I definitely felt like I was going at the 6:45 pace for miles 2 and 3, but who knows. Shortly after the mile 1 marker my headphones got caught on someone's banister leading up to their house and got yanked out of my ears...I suppose this is why I buy cheap headphones.  Time to fire up amazon prime and order another set I must have already gone through 3 or 4 other Sony Headphones, but at $7/pair I'm fine with that.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fight Club...or the Brooks Testing Program

Unless you were living under a rock in 1999 you have definitely heard of the movie "Fight Club"  .  Somehow the rules of Fight Club seem oddly similar to the Brooks Wear Testing Program. 
“Welcome to Fight Club. The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: you DO NOT talk about Fight Club! Third rule of Fight Club: someone yells "stop!", goes limp, taps out, the fight is over. Fourth rule: only two guys to a fight. Fifth rule: one fight at a time, fellas. Sixth rule: No shirts, no shoes. Seventh rule: fights will go on as long as they have to. And the eighth and final rule: if this is your first time at Fight Club, you have to fight.”
Out of curiosity I may or may not have submitted my application to the Brooks Wear Testing Program (oh I definitely did) and I may or may not have been accepted into the program (I most certainly was accepted).  If I was accepted (which I was) I would say this was probably the most exciting acceptance email I have ever received, since maybe those days of opening up college acceptance letters.  Unfortunately, like the rules of fight club you can’t talk about the products or blog about them…but based on the performance of this blog if you blog and nobody reads it is it really blogging about the product?  J 
So I suppose new rules are in order for running and the Brooks Wear Testing Program
1.)  I don’t talk about the Brooks Wear Testing Program
2.)  I REALLY don’t talk about the Brooks Wear Testing Program
3.)  If I yell stop while I’m running, go limp, or fall flat on my face help me up and encourage me to finish
4.)  Lone wolf runner workouts (but races can be as big as possible)
5.)  One foot in front of the other at all times
6.)  I will wear shirts (for your benefit) and shoes (for my benefit)
7.)  Runs will be finished as quickly as my body will allow
8.)  If this is the first time reading this blog you have to comment (or don’t, but I needed an 8th rule)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Well a good weekend with the fiance's friends from home.  A little bit got nuts, but that's bound to happen with 14 people living under one roof.  Overall a good time and we managed to get a 3.5 mile run in on Saturday morning with only about 5 hours of sleep...all I know know is that I can will myself to run a minimum of 3.5 miles no matter what the conditions are.  It was cold, windy, I had been up over 24 hours prior to my 5 hour sleep (or is that a nap?), and at one point my fiance said "oh looks bears!"...I had no reaction and felt if actual bears were going to attack me that may be an improvement with how I felt at the time...the "bears" she referred to were only metal ones in someone's yard though, so we survived that run.  Unfortunately, after the weekend activities I felt like I might be getting sick, so I slept the majority of Sunday, but got up bright and early to and slogged out a 4.5 mile run today. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

10K Time Trail

Well the conditions were nearly perfect for setting a 10K PR this morning.  50 degrees on a morning in February with some slight drizzle I'll take that just about any day!  The only problem with that temperature is that it's been a long time, since the temperature has been like this, so the inevitable question "what to wear?".  I skipped the compression tights and just wore shorts, but a long sleeve Brooks Equilibrium shirt.  Initially, I regretted this as with the wind it was still a little chilly, but after my warm up and about 2 minutes into my run I realized this was the perfect choice. 
  The run went great.  My miles averaged between 7:00/mile - 7:19/mile for an average of 7:11.  Mile 3 was the worst, but I expected this and only checked my watch twice in the run. 
  So with that run we have a new PR my route was a little bit over the 6.2 miles and my watch said 6.3, when I was finished I looked down and saw 45:14 (previous best 46:44). 
  Great confidence booster with about 3 weeks before the big race. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Power Save Mode

Well due to horrible planning I will only have one rest day before I try my time trail 10K.  Although I really would have liked to do a race 5K and 10K before the DC Marathon there really just are not a ton of races for these distances in February.  I suspect that next year I will change my schedule around a little bit, but at the same time with the great weather we have had in February all the training for the most part is on schedule.

Tomorrow's 10K time trail should be interesting....I tried to map out a route that I would have to deal with minimum car traffic.  I'm hoping I can push myself and run under 7:35/mile pace, but based on my time trail for my 5K I'm not expecting to run under 7:20/mile pace...but we will see.  I think at this point I'm full capable of beating my only 10K race time, but if that happens tomorrow...nobody knows.  Stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Saucony Men's Omni LX Tight II Review

And good morning....I finally had a chance to try out the Saucony Men's Omni LX Tight II.  Immediately out of the bag I noticed the material was considerably different then CW-X Men's Insulator Stabilyx and 2XU Men's Graduated Performance Compression (the only other two pairs I own).  Also, this is the first pair that I own that has the ankle zips. 
  Anyways, I tried them on and as mentioned by some other reviews they are a bit long (I purchased mediums as I'm a medium in my other two pairs and those fit perfectly).  I would say probalby about 0.5 inch to 1.0 inch to long.  They still fit and the waist was a bit roomier then the other two pairs I own (right now about 170lbs and 5' 10.5").
  I decided the best way to try these out while not ruining a workout was for one of my short runs.  So I ran about 3.0 miles at a little over 8 min/mile pace.  Overall I would say they are comfortable and probably would keep me warm for temperatures above 25-30 degrees.  I don't foresee using these on any runs longer then about 4 miles though because they don't feel as speedy as the other two when running (yes, I realize that is ridiculous as I'm sure they have zero impact on overall speed compared to the other two).  I also felt considerably less knee support then the other two pairs.  Overall for the $36 I paid for them on I'm very happy...although if I had paid $50 I would say they are ok and for over $60 I probably would have returned them.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Peyton Manning to the Cleveland Browns

I don't think anything gets more official then this picture.  Being a Cleveland sportsfan is exhausting.  The Browns are possibly the most interesting example of a team that really finds creative ways to lose.  Of all the other teams in the NFL...I would say maybe only the Washington Redskins rival us in this statistic.  So today I'm tossing the Browns into a list of teams for Peyton Manning.  It's obvious that Peyton wants to continue the legacy of Cleveland QB greats.

2011Colt McCoy (13) / Seneca Wallace (3)
2010Colt McCoy (8) / Jake Delhomme (4) / Seneca Wallace (4)
2009Brady Quinn (9) / Derek Anderson (7)
2008Derek Anderson (9) / Brady Quinn (3) / Ken Dorsey (3) / Bruce Gradkowski (1)
2007Derek Anderson (15) / Charlie Frye (1)
2006Charlie Frye (13) / Derek Anderson (3)
2005Trent Dilfer (11) / Charlie Frye (5)
2004Jeff Garcia (10) / Kelly Holcomb (2) / Luke McCown (4)
2003Kelly Holcomb (8) / Tim Couch (8)
2002Tim Couch (14) / Kelly Holcomb (2)
2001Tim Couch (16)
2000Doug Pederson (8) / Tim Couch (7) / Spergon Wynn (1)
1999Tim Couch (14) / Ty Detmer (2)
1995Vinny Testaverde (12) / Eric Zeier (4)
1994Vinny Testaverde (13) / Mark Rypien (3)
1993Bernie Kosar (7) / Vinny Testaverde (6) / Todd Philcox (3)
1992Bernie Kosar (7) / Mike Tomczak (8) / Todd Philcox (1)
1991Bernie Kosar (16)
1990Bernie Kosar (13) / Mike Pagel (3)
1989Bernie Kosar (16)
1988Bernie Kosar (9) / Mike Pagel (4) / Gary Danielson (1) / Don Strock (2)
1987Jeff Christensen (2) / Bernie Kosar (12) / Gary Danielson (1)
1986Bernie Kosar (16)


24 days until the big race day.  Today was a strength and conditioning day...I realize now after posting this I didn't stretch afterwards.  Great! 

I'm officially signed up for the MD 10 Miler.  Lisa also signed up.  Should be fun?  I'm targetting about a 1:15:00 and that should put me in the top 200 (last year 4209 finishers).

Also, got sent an email for the This type of race does intrigue me however I'm concerned I could injure myself for some of the other races I'm looking forward to....although all 4 of these people look beatable if they are running the actual race....yep I went there.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Saturday 10 Miler

I'm sure you all were waiting an anticipation for an update on Saturday's run experience.  Did he survive?  What if he never blogs again?  How will I spend that minute of everyday?  Well rest assured I survived. 

10.2 miles in the books @ 1:18:36.  Prior to the run I have black coffee, Tri-Berry Gu, and a banana...I'm not big on eating much before I go, but I knew I would need a little something in my stomach.  On my run I took about 5 cherry and 5 watermelon beans and a Clif Shot Razz (in case times got desperate...and they did). 

The weather for the run on Saturday was really good.  The unfortunate thing about that it meant that the amount of runners from the previous weekends multiplied by about 50X.  Also, lots of 2-5 person groups going out.  I think one of the last things I want to do is run with a group of people.  All I want to do is listen to my music, settle into a pace, and not think about anything. 

The run itself went as expected.  I got to about the 7.5 mile mark and started to get a bit hungry...I really never thought about the fact I didn't have any water to take the Clif Shot...but I downed it anyways.  As I turned onto Greene St. and I could see Camden Yards I knew the home stretch was coming, but my legs were really exhausted.  I went around Camden Yards and then I'm pretty sure my brain turned off as the last thing I remember is running on Conway St. and then all of a sudden I was at the apartment.  I forced myself to run inside real quick to take out the I knew once stretching started I wouldn't be moving for a long time. 

Did some stretching standing up and then before I transitioned to the floor I moved my beverages into their "coozies".  I knew I wouldn't be able to stand up for awhile, but as I was unable to move from the floor for about 20-30 minutes I was pretty proud of my achievement.  Less than 30 days now and feeling pretty good about hitting my goals.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Well a long week of work, but it's Friday!!!  I got out for a quick 3 miles run.  Not sure why, but I always feel like it's a little easier to get going on my Saturday long run day if I do a quick run on Friday.  This week I ordered a new pair of runnig tights (Saucony Men's Omni LX Tight II ) and long sleeve shirt.  I figured I should treat myself and had a 25% sale off of already sale priced merchandise (no shoe discount:))  I look forward to reviewing these.  I have a pair CW-X and 2XU.  I prefer the 2XU, but the CW-X are a little bit warmer when it drops below 30 (I suppose I should review those also).  The shirt is a long sleeve brooks equilibrium.  I already have the same one in a different color and considering it was $20 it was an easy choice.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

And Let There Be ... Rest Day

Ahhh yes a rest day...I usually incorporate two a week.  I know most training plans only call for one, but I feel like I have been able to increase my mileage and not get injured, so it's working for me.  I've used a combination of the Hal Higdon's half marathon plan and also a plan that I downloaded from the Cleveland marathon website.  After I looked at Hal Higdon's I knew that I wanted to get as close to running 13.1 miles as possible, so my long runs are way ahead of schedule according to that plan.  I know once I do a distance I can do it again and faster. 

On a non-running note do not watch "Something Borrowed"...this is the worst movie I've seen this year.  None of the characters are actually likeable.  The plot summary from "Friendships are tested and secrets come to the surface when terminally single Rachel falls for Dex, her best friend Darcy's fiancé."  If this sounds like a movie you would like then let's just me and you part as friends and never read this blog again....I'm actually convinced stuff would get done in Congress if they were like, "Ok, we could rationally debate this topic or I'm going to put Something Borrowed on and we have to watch that on repeat for the next 8 hours".  Regardless of what issue I'm sure they could come up with a happy deal...I'm also sure that somewhere they would include in the bill that this movie be banned from television.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Two posts in one day...I know a lot of people that run and it seems that some actually enjoy running.  I would say I tolerate running, but enjoy competition.  Prior to a race I always look back at the previous results to see where I should start and then sort of picture how I will do.  I'm hoping this year brings a new set of PRs and my goal is to run a sub 20:00 5K.

In the Baltimore 5K I felt great until I got to about the Hippodrome on the route.  I would say there was about 2.5 miles left, but I could see that there was a 12 year old girl that was mostly likely going to beat me in the race...I really couldn't let that happen and I'm pretty sure I pushed myself to the limits just to cross the finish line before her.  She is actually in my finishing picture and luckily not only did I beat her on the gun time, but chip time also:) 

The first/only 10K I did I noticed the shadows of sprinters behind me.  I actually was feeling really great with about a half mile to go, but these people I could tell really wanted to race...and who was I to disappoint.  I think this is the only guy from the pack that stayed with me.  Also, it's worth noting there was a multiwave start as I don't think I just edged out the lady on my left:) 

My motivation is I would love to know the feeling of crossing a finish line first.  The best finish I've had so far is 22nd in a small local race of 900.  I would say probalby half ran and the other half walked, but it was great seeing the sea of people that I was ahead on the out and back route.

And here is a link to a youtube video that I watch before I leave the apartment before every race.  I'm hoping I can convert this to an .mp3 at somepoint as I think just listening to it would push me through the last mile of any race.  Enjoy

Wednesday ... 169.7

Well if you clicked on this blog by mistake..let me congratulate are officially the 10th viewer.  If you clicked on this blog as a repeat reader...welcome back and here we go.... 

Wednesday 169.7...what does that mean?  Well it's official...probalby for the first time in years I jumped on the scale and weighed less then 170 lbs...officially 169.7.  When I was working out all the time in my freshman and sophomore year of college I weighed 165 lbs...and I believe when I graduated high school I was about 150-155.  Obviously, the 20 lbs I have put on since high school is all muscle (end of discussion)....

I made the trek around the inner harbor today for a 4.2 mile run.  It felt pretty good although with in 10 seconds of running I had to adjust my shoes and then I got caught at a light for about a minute...but at this point I can tell the difference between a good run regardless of all the little things that may impact the overall time.  It's amazing how much better this was then the Monday run.

This week I received an Ipod Nano Generation 6.  I sent in the original Gen 1 nano because of a battery recall.  The whole process took about 4 weeks, but let's be honest I really had not used my original nano in about 2 years.  I may use it for a couple of runs, but my music list is if you are out there looking for some new songs for running....or even old songs.  I'll post my current playlist on Friday.

Even though it's certainly an accomplishment to get back under 170 lbs...18 year old me wins today.  However, I laughed thinking about all the failed attempts he made running with a discman that would always inevitably. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Today was a scheduled "Strength and Conditioning" day. I actually looked forward to it as I use the Xbox 360 Kinect with Your Shape Fitness Evolved.  A combination of the "Men's Health" 20 minute workout followed by some pushups, situps, and planks.  At the end I was happy it was over.

I credit the Xbox 360 and the Kinect to getting back in shape as it was around this time last year my girlfriend bought me the Kinect (if only she knew the monster it would create!).  I really think Xbox should sponsor me to run in races..maybe wear a special shirt and buy me anything I want...
Also, worth mentioning ... it's Valentine's day...the day for those of us with significant others to ostracize those that don't.  The office is filled with people wearing red and I assume these are people that have are in some sort of relationship.  Everyone in the office that I assumed was not in relationship I believe called out sick today.

I would probably say the only good thing about not being in a relationship during Valentine's day is not being forced to decide between making the trip to see "This Mean's War" or "the Vow"  When did Hollywood decide Channing Tatum would be the best new actor?  I'm pretty sure "the Vow" could have been made with Chuck Norris, Lian Neeson, or C3PO and I would be more likely to want to see that movie.

I wish you all a Happy Valentine's day and hope that nobody has to suffer through either of those movies that I mentioned!

Monday, February 13, 2012

First Page View Monday

  Well not that I don't blame people for reading this, but I have to say I was pretty excited today when I logged on to find that I had my first page view.  So today I'm dedicating this post to my first viewer (although he or she chose not to subscribe).  My first viewer was from (add drumroll)....Germany.  I can't really say I know a whole lot about German society today but I do know they like David Hasselhoff. 
  David Hasselhoff born in Baltimore, MD (uh oh)...not to jump to conclusions, but I have to say it's looking like my first viewer was probalby trying to understand more about Baltimore because of David Hasselhoff instead of my pursuit of becoming a better athlete then I was at 18.  You know who was also probably in better shape 11 years ago? guessed it David Hassellhoff.
  Other than the first viewer today I braved the 20 degree weather this morning and went for 4.2 miles.  Not very windy, but I was highly unmotivated, so that should count as 2 runs.  I also decided that after a 10 mile race in June 2012 I will begin training for the Houston Marathon!

The race schedule: 
April 15, 2012:  (not registered yet)
May 19, 2012: (5K)
May 20, 2012: (10K)

  I'm going to count today as win for the soon to be 30.  At 18 I would not have gone out in the cold to run over 4 miles. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday Long Run

Well 8.9 miles today at a 7:45/mile pace...not too bad.  Something I can honestly say I was not able to do at 18 (or never even though of doing at 18!).  Went out to Fort McHenry and around the Inner Harbor....once I can figure more of this out I'll start posting pictures as for now.  I'm going to say the 18 year old me could not have done the long run today...score one for the soon to be 30 !

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 1 (continued...)

One last bit before I wrap up the first day of comments...

Beating the 18 yr. old me...requires a 64.7% age grade (using the 5:56 mile).

I will probably be using this as my methodology for improvements.

5K Times:
9/11/2011:  24:39 (aged grade 52.4%)
10/15/2011:  22:13 (aged grade 58.1%)
12/11/2011:  21:33 (aged grade 59.9%)

10K Times:
11/24/2011:  46:44 (aged grade 57.5%)

Needless to say we have some work to 64.7% the target  for the 5K is 19:58.  Plenty of time for the next one on 5/19/2011.

Before that race 2 half marathons!  Let the competition begin!

Day 1....

Well I've decided to start blogging...who knows why.  Hopefully I will keep it up and look back and find myself highly amusing at 29...probably not.  Anyways, I suppose I'm starting this to keep up my running motivation. 

The blog title "18 Me vs. Soon to be 30 Me" came to mind as I officially stopped running after one week after my last track meet in high school.  The last time I ran around a track I had never previously ran under a 6:00 mile.  I was determined that day and had a stop watch.  I remember I was pacing really well until I had just finished 1200m (1 more lap to go) and I was lagging behind by about 8 seconds (surprising I can remember that as I can barely remember what I ate for lunch yesterday).  When I finished 5:56.  Awesome.  Unfortunately, after that I stopped running for 10+ years.

Which bring us to some sporadic dates in 2011 that I had the urge to run around Baltimore.  One day in March or April I had probably more drinks then I should the night before.  Then a separate day in May in which I ran with Lisa (my now fiance)...she promised I could play video games for an hour if I ran 2 miles with her.  Then on our San Diego trip in late May I went for a run...and after three 5ks and one 10k in 2011.  I'm registered for my first two half marathons...the ultimate goal is to be "faster"...and really faster then me at 18...what I have going for me is that I am much more stubborn and willing to self motivate to hit my goals.

Welcome to the blog...I'm just setting this up, but if anything I hope to show an average runner that gradually improves and adds some humor.