Monday, March 12, 2012

This Can't Be Monday...

  Well the final week of prep before the DC Half.  My morning run had the makings of a horrible run my music wasn't working, exhaustion from the one hour time change, and the realization this run probalby wouldn't make a difference in Saturday's race.  Started off pretty slow and just did a comfortable pace.  A really uneventful run...besides the fact that I must not have gotten the memo that before 6:30am you don't have to use a turn signal in Baltimore City.

  So I just had time to check the splits for the 4 miles and 9:03, 8:25, 8:03, and 8:06...for a run that I didn't care too much about I was a bit surprised at the last two splits...the whole run felt almost felt like I was this guy (yep that's Captain Planet).  Only one more short run this week then a couple of days off before DC. 

  On a random note...had the old fantasy baseball draft this year.  Last year we switched to an auction and after somewhat figuring out what people would do this year my strategy changed.  $260 can be spent through 21 rounds and we have 12 teams...last year Pujols went for about $70 and due to that the other top tier guys went for around the same...this year I realized I just couldn't stay back and watch these guys get taken even at these prices (my other strategy was to always nominate Philly players as we have about 5 guys in the league that are from Philly and overbid on these guys).

    Anyways, the 2nd player nominated in the draft was Miguel Cabrera...assuming he would go into the $60s I kept bidding until all of that stopped at $57...going one going twice and sold.  The 5th player nominated Albert Pujols I kept bidding on as I was not going to allow someone to get Pujols for less then $57...the bidding stopped at $54 and I now had two 1B and I had just spent over 40% of my total budget on two players...about 10 players later Justin Upton came up and my $40 bid was not challenged (yikes already spent about 60%) at this point I was really ready to curb my spending, when 15 picks later Evan Longoria came up for bidding (I've never drafted him but felt intrigued and I hadn't bid on anyone in a long at $42 I got now we are at about 75% of my total budget no bidding until about 100 players later...overall though the draft didn't end as badly as you would think and initial projections show a 2nd place finish...although those are always wrong.


  1. Sounds like a good run. Just run what pace and distance feel comfortable this week and don't worry about pushing until race day. Good luck!

  2. Thanks Brian! I'm sure this week will fly by and before I know it the race will be starting although I'm dreading waking up early for the DC metro on Saturday.
