Saturday, March 3, 2012

4 miles of horrible & 8 miles of in the zone

Long run Saturday.  Today had the makings for a horrible run (in fact I thought it was going to go that way after my first 4 miles).  I had planned to do anywhere been 11.5 and 12.0.  It's was raining when I started and I was tired after the first 1.5 miles (although that is a stretch going uphill).  At around mile 3 I felt ok, but had the feeling I would need to go to the bathroom....luckily I knew at 4.0 and change I would be entering Fort McHenry and the bathrooms were open.  I figured I would keep my time going as during the half no one will really care that I had to go to the bathroom.  I hated stopping and with the rain and how I felt I figured this would be a horrible remaining 8 miles...but then something happened.  Something that I didn't expect....right after I get out of the bathroom and start on the pathway around Fort McHenry I get a song from the Bloodsport sountrack on my nano...and then it was on:)  I suddenly didn't feel tired and everytime I felt like I was about to get tired another song came on that boosted my spirits...the whole run was sparked by the Bloodsport soundtrack, Highway to the Danger Zone, So Glad You Made It by Iron Eagle (Days of Thunder), Highlander Theme Song (lame, but hey it worked for me at the time), and the Rocky Theme Song.  Quick recap of the run by mile (highlighted bathroom stop) miles 10-12 have a lot of stoplights, but I can't complain.  Have a good weekend.  Enjoy!

Split Time Distance Pace (avg)
1 0:07:15 1.0 mi 7:14
2 0:08:16 1.0 mi 8:13
3 0:07:48 1.0 mi 7:43
4 0:08:12 1.0 mi 8:11
5 0:12:03 1.0 mi 11:58
6 0:08:20 1.0 mi 8:16
7 0:08:08 1.0 mi 8:05
8 0:07:56 1.0 mi 7:55
9 0:07:28 1.0 mi 7:22
10 0:08:40 1.0 mi 8:39
11 0:08:28 1.0 mi 8:26
12 0:06:06 0.7 mi 8:13

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