Thursday, March 1, 2012

Forgetful Thursday

  Well today was a scheduled rest day ... apparently my brain also decided to take a rest this morning during the usual routine getting ready for work and I forgot to wear a belt.  It wasn't until the exact moment that I sat down at my desk that I realized I forgot it.  It's right up there with missing a spot shaving, wearing a shirt that has a stain on it, or realizing you only made one cup of coffee in your traveler mug instead of two.  I've debated going home, but after cruising through the workday schedule I'm going to stick it out (note to self in the drawer that you keep emergency ties you should probably keep an emergency brown and black belt).

  On a running note yesterday I registered for the Rock 'N' Roll Half Marathon in Providence.  I was definitely drawn in by the leap day discount of $29 making the cost of the race $61 (the fees on these races are ridiculous).  With all these half marathons scheduled I've started to think about switching from the Baltimore 5K to the Baltimore Full Marathon (not really interested in running the Baltimore Half ).  It could be a great test to see before going down to Houston for the Full Marathon there.

  Finally, back to office rules.  I'm always interested to see the office decoration dynamic.  I share an office here.  My coworker and I have exactly one decoration...a Christmas tree that is up all year round...and when I see Christmas tree I mean the sad 10 inch green cutout on our filing cabinet.  I have zero pictures of up (neither does he).  And the only thing personal on my cork board behind my desk is a route map of the DC Half and the results from my last race.  Other people have about 100 pictures of their family, books, plants, coffee makers, artwork from their kids (which is generally not very good), and framed paintings or pictures.  Although I appreciate them wanting to make their office more like home..I always thought it would be extremely awkward packing that stuff up if they ever got let go.  I also feel like if I don't have anything up maybe everyone will think I'm some sort of secret agent like Jason Bourne.  I'm sure people are thinking, "he can't possible use excel and access 24/7...he must be a secret agent"...I suppose when people start asking me what I have going on this weekend I can now respond with "it's classified" or "secret agent stuff" instead of "long run on Saturday".


  1. That's a good discount! The Broad St. Run in Philly is awesome, too, a ten-miler at the price of a lot of 5Ks. It sells out in like an hour, though. (It's a fun race...but I'm not sure it rates THAT level of insanity)

    I don't think I'm going to do a full until next spring, but I'm looking for a fall half. I think Baltimore would be a fun course, but I don't like the late (and potentially warmer) start time for the half.

  2. Wow, only $40 for Broad St. Run that's not bad. Last year I did the Baltimore 5K and it was a little chilly at the start (I think it started at 8:30am). I think the weather was ok for the half last year. I remember coming back out to cheer on the marathoners and half marathoners and it was slighly chilly wearying a sweater and really never know though with the weather that time of year.
