Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday Test Review

  One week away from DC, so let's call today a "Test Review"...the plan was to run 8 miles at race pace today.  It seemed like a good idea and really with this half marathon "plan" I have really listened to my body and done whatever the heck I wanted ... within reason.  I decided I would attempt for 7:40 miles.  I had a watch on and figured I could easily calculate the splits (as I still don't have a GPS watch). 
  Immediately from the start I realized I didn't have it.  So at that point I listened to my body and figured I would just push myself a little, but no sense in doing anything stupid (I must be getting wise in my years). 
  The positive for the run was that I didn't stop for the bathroom.  The negative was that it was somewhat nice out...what that usually means in Baltimore is that people run in groups with usually 3 across or people decide to walk their dogs on the sidewalks ... nobody ever moves over.  I mean I totally get that your dog needs to walk on the sidewalk (I don't) and I really get when you are running in a group chatting it up that you don't give right away to someone that is faster than you (what the f^&* is that!). 
  I think it's pretty obvious when someone is running at you to determine who is faster and the slower person should move over.  I move over all the time (although it's usually on runs Monday-Friday as I see the "usual suspects" out and some of them are really moving).  And really your dog can't walk in the grass?  I may turn an ankle, but I get that your four legged friend who has adapted to run on exactly this type of terrain wants to walk on a sidewalk.  
  I have come to expect this from Baltimore a city that once claimed it was the "City that Reads" or "Greatest City in America"....but I'm done ranting because let's be honest I'm going to probably be annoyed at the race next weekend for the overcrowding and people feeling overly ambitious in mile 1. 
  Although this run didn't go to plan (miles averaging from 7:42 to 8:03) it was consistent and I would rather have a bad run today then a bad one next week.  Light week of running ahead, but I'm ready for next Saturday.

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