Friday, June 1, 2012


Well after a couple test runs last week I shut it down again this week.  Although I felt ok after the shorter tests run I think it's an issue with the peroneal tendons.  (Thank you Orthogate for the information below).

"The peroneus brevis tendon connects to a bump on the base of the fifth metatarsal. This spot can be felt midway down the outer edge of the foot.

The peroneus longus tendon lies behind and below the peroneus brevis tendon. It wraps down and under the foot by way of the cuboid bone, the outer tarsal bone just in front of the heelbone (the calcaneus). The peroneus longus tendon angles forward under the sole of the foot and connects to the bottom of the main bone of the big toe. This tendon stabilizes the arch of the foot when walking. "

What I believed happened at the MD Half Marathon was when I stepped in a small pot hole and sprained my ankle slightly but kept running this caused some of the certainly didn't help this was early on in the race.  I didn't really even think about.  My ankles also never really swelled up too much in the past when I sprained them (with the exception of one time when I played basketball and jumped as high as I could and ended up landing all on completely on the side of my foot...just thinking about it now gives me the creeps).

Anyways, I bought some goggles and swimsuit, so I may start swimming to maintain some sort of cardiovascular fitness.  I have not eliminated the idea of running in the Baltimore 10 miler.  I ordered some KT Tape and may try to get back into it next week on Monday.  Although I'm excited for the Baltimore 10 Miler I think I was more disappointed at not being able to race in Cleveland, so if can't do the 10 miler I'm ok with that as my next race isn't until August (Providence Half) and although it's far away I'm keeping my eye on the prize aka Houston Marathon in January.  Time to stay positive in times like this

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