Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ostrich Tuesday

Well back after a trip to Arkansas I'm back to it here.  Got a couple of runs in on some trails, this was a nice change of scenery from the normal city routes.  The highlight of the trip was http://www.wildwildernessdrivethroughsafari.com/ … this place highlighted my stereotypes of Arkansas people in general.  This is a drive thru safari and along with the typical people that go to a drive thru safari in Arkansas parents were letting kids hangout the windows and throw food (really the only two rules they had going in were to not roll down the windows and give the animals food).  The people watching was spectacular. 

I've also decided the Ostrich seems like one of the dirtiest things in the animal kingdom..they just don't look trustworthy.  The Ostrich was hanging around the monkey cages and just about any other of the cages animals looking for food...it had no problem coming up to your car and not moving.

Would you let your kids hang out the window with this thing lurking around?

Zebras...known for licking car windows....
I had a couple others...but for $10/person a great experience...I'm not surprised that at one point in the tour I saw a bud light can near an Ostrich...oh Arkansas:)

Today got back to doing some speed workout 5x800m with 1:30 slow jog inbetween.  (3:15, 3:16, 3:17, 3:21, 3:09)...unfortunately, for some reason I thought I was only supposed to do 5, but in fact when I got home the workout called for 6...the last speed workout was 10x400m, so I assumed it was same distance...ahhh old age:) 

Congrats to all those that finished Sole of the City 10K this past weekend. 


  1. I enjoy trying to find places to run when I'm traveling. Sometimes it goes well, sometimes it doesn.

    Perhaps you should have combined your trail running with your wilderness safari. That would probably make for some good speedwork.

    The safari sounds fun and like hilarious people-watching.

    Good speedwork. I've been neglecting that for way too long.

    1. I wasn't sure what to expect from one of the trails I ran on, but it was fine (bit hilly) I was just concerned there would be a ton of bikers on it. It also made me a bit nervous to hear they have copperhead snakes in the area....had I know that I wouldn't have ran as close to the edge as I was!

      The safari people watching was unbelievable! I left out the fact that some cars would try to pass you and cut you off....I think they thought we were in some sort of NASCAR race.

    2. Yeah, I was bitten by a Copperhead when I was 8. Not fun, but I'm not sure how bad it is for an adult. Still, paralyzing fear of snakes is going to keep me from really being a trail runner.
