Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Stillpower Review

I apologize if you do actually try to click the link to look inside...I took the picture off Amazon.com, but I have to say I did enjoy the book.

Stillpower:  The Inner Source of Athletic Excellence was recommended to me by one of the number of running websites that I review. 

I think it's safe to say that you aren't going to become instantly faster or a better runner/athlete by reading this, but the overall concepts make sense. 

Example:  If you are used to get amped up by listening to music before a race or have a certain routine prior to a game what happens if you can't do those things (i.e. forget your ipod or didn't pack your lucky socks).  You will probably not perform to your normal abilities. 

Stillpower is really the idea of being free (to a state of mind similar to how you were in childhood when you could run for the fun of running) regardless of other things going on around you. 

I tested out the theory on a 6 mile run that according to a training plan I should do at a 7:38 pace (half marathon goal race pace).  I didn't wear a watch or bring music, but brought my phone (and placed it in an armband) and went off. 

My goal was to "run free" and not think about anything...while this is impossible for most people to think about nothing when you are supposed to think about nothing I must have a gift:)  I also can lay my head down on a pillow and fall asleep in no time.  The run was easy and if had to wait at a stop light for the crosswalk I reminded myself about the concept of free running.  Anyways, I got caught up on some lights, but when I could cross I did and must have resumed at a decent pace.  I arrived at my stop point and took my phone out to see my times (although I was breathing regularly on the run I didn't feel winded or tired and my legs felt great).  Overall time was 45:30...which is about a 7:30 pace (and I stopped for some crosswalks)....maybe these concepts work maybe they don't, but I can't remember the last time I felt like this when I was running at that pace for that distance.  Maybe a sign of more things to come?

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