Monday, April 30, 2012


Well official countdown time for MD Half Marathon.  This course is certainly going to be a bigger challenge then DC, but now I KNOW that I can run a half why not try to set a PR?  The race is also for a good cause as 100% of the net proceeds go towards the University of Maryland Cancer Center. 

Surprisingly for a smaller race there are actually more pace groups then the DC Rock and Roll marathon...not sure how that makes sense, but I'm not complaining.

This little chart shows the elevation (it's literally a little chart...I have no idea how to increase the size of this image....).  Anyways, a stretch of a 2% incline on that first hill and that big one is 3%.  I will start with the 1:45 pace group and then after that hill it will be time to start gradually increasing.  The goal is to save some energy for the rolling hills while still staying fresh.  I had a very elaborate excel chart for my "strategy"...which I misplaced. 

Time Goals:
 - 1:40 to 1:42:52 (DC PR)

Other Goals:
 -  Remember to put deoderant on prior to the race
 -  Eat energy beans regularly (DC I forgot)
 -  Drink lots of water
 -  Remember to not look like you are dying in front of the photographers (why does the cameraman hate me?)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ostrich Tuesday

Well back after a trip to Arkansas I'm back to it here.  Got a couple of runs in on some trails, this was a nice change of scenery from the normal city routes.  The highlight of the trip was … this place highlighted my stereotypes of Arkansas people in general.  This is a drive thru safari and along with the typical people that go to a drive thru safari in Arkansas parents were letting kids hangout the windows and throw food (really the only two rules they had going in were to not roll down the windows and give the animals food).  The people watching was spectacular. 

I've also decided the Ostrich seems like one of the dirtiest things in the animal kingdom..they just don't look trustworthy.  The Ostrich was hanging around the monkey cages and just about any other of the cages animals looking for had no problem coming up to your car and not moving.

Would you let your kids hang out the window with this thing lurking around?

Zebras...known for licking car windows....
I had a couple others...but for $10/person a great experience...I'm not surprised that at one point in the tour I saw a bud light can near an Ostrich...oh Arkansas:)

Today got back to doing some speed workout 5x800m with 1:30 slow jog inbetween.  (3:15, 3:16, 3:17, 3:21, 3:09)...unfortunately, for some reason I thought I was only supposed to do 5, but in fact when I got home the workout called for 6...the last speed workout was 10x400m, so I assumed it was same distance...ahhh old age:) 

Congrats to all those that finished Sole of the City 10K this past weekend. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Speed Work Tuesday

After the disappointment of my time at the Red Shoe Shuffle I decided I could 1.)  Sulk and feel sorry for myself or 2.)  Do some additional speed work...I chose a mix of 1 & 2.

Today I got out there and the plan was to do .25 x 10 at a 1:31-1:34 pace.  Unfortunately, we don't have a real track down in the city so I ran around the outside of the volleyball courts in the inner harbor (about .29 miles).  I confess I have done little to no speed work since high school.  Occasionally I will go up a hill at about 80% of my max and be completely winded, but overall just doing long distance training and running as gotten me to this plateau.  So the speed work drills roughly worked out to a 6:30 pace...although I did have a couple of them that were right at the 6:15 pace.  Nothing close to the 6:04 pace.

I needed a day like was horrible.  It felt almost as awful as the 5k this past weekend.  No actually pain or injuries, but just exhaustion.  It will be worth it if this work pays dividends and I certainly hated the idea of wanting to give up last weekend in the 5k.  I won't let that happen again...and I also don't want to lose to 13 year olds at a local race. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Red Shoe Shuffle 5k Recap

  The stage was set for my first 5K of 2012.  I have to say I was looking forward to this race after running the DC Half Marathon...that excitement was only heightened by the early morning festivities of the Red Shoe Shuffle.  All the speakers were great, but what was really cool was seeing the kids peak out their windows watching all the runners before the start of the race.  This was really a race for them and the Ronald McDonald house.
  During the lineup I noticed a couple of people that looked pretty fast, but I was hopeful based on the competition that a top 10 finish could be in order. 
  So we had the normal countdown for a race 5-4-3-2-1 and then we were off…I clicked start on my watch and then it displayed zeroes…and more zeroes and although the time was running I couldn’t figure out how to see the time on the watch…this has happened one other time during a training run and immediately this race was doomed.  My whole strategy really depended on that first mile in which my goal was to run at a 7:00/pace (last 5K I ran my first two miles at 6:40 and then crashed going uphill on mile 3).  I also knew that due to concentrating on my watch and not my overall pace and etc by the time I gave up on my watch I was way too close to the leaders.  This race was pretty much over before it started … and it started all downhill on Eutaw St. for about the first 1.5 miles. 
Objects in this picture are slower then they appear
  As you can see a picture of me passing Pratt and Eutaw…this was running denial as I knew I was essentially in trouble at some point this race.  I was tired by the time we hit M&T stadium and when I made my way around M&T I passed one runner (Was I going faster or was he also dying?...I would find this out in about 30 seconds afterwardsJ)

I'm actually smiling...

  After I passed my orange shirt friend I really felt horrible..almost to the point I wanted to drop out … I did contemplate dropping out (that’s never happened before)…but just tried marching up Eutaw St.  I got passed by the first place female early up the march to Eutaw and one other runner.  After we made the turn to Baltimore St…I really didn’t have too much left…I started to see what looked like one of the top place runners making his way back and he said, “Hang in their guy.  It’s right around the corner” about 5 seconds later another female runner came side by side with me.  I gave it my all and then I encouraged her that we were almost there and that we could push it.  I hope she didn’t consider this taunting as I was trying to be encouraging.
  Finally the finish line never looked so good.  I crossed at a time of 21:56 and 15th overall.  So to recap:

The Good:  The race was for a good cause and there were more spectators than I thought
The Bad:  My pacing and watch issues
The Ugly:  Wanting to drop out of the race (next time I will need to set a goal like if I catch up to person X in the race then I can stop…as I’m pretty sure I won’t stop if I catch someone).

Thanks for all that put on this race!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Boyd and Blair Day

As I am a big sucker for buying running gear (although always on sale)...I'm also a big sucker for buying heavily advertised alcohol at a liquor store.  I usually don't get when I entered Wine Market in Federal Hill I stumbled upon Boyd & Blair sister was coming over and only drinks Ketel One and the desire to go to another store was at 0%.  So I picked up a bottle. 

I will never buy a used car probably because I can be sold on just about anything (although I'm generally skeptical of most things..I realize that makes zero sense).  There was a little tag that said "Top Vodka in the World" and I found my way to the register and that is how I now own this vodka. In the words of Tom Haverford, "TREAT YOURSELF!" so I did. I should also note my sister didn't drink any of I knew I would single handedly be drinking all of this at some point.
Anyways, I made a dirty martini last night and it was just what I expected and more.  The vodka actually smelled good (I also have no idea what that means, but pick up a bottle and smell smells good).  Anyways, after I finish that off I can definitely see this being my go to vodka and I believe it's a little bit cheaper then Ketel One.  The one thing this vodka did not do was make it any easier to get up at 5am to run 9 miles before work...perhaps they will work an one of those "infused" types of vodka.  Either way good stuff.  While other runnners may do reviews on clothing, watches, and etc...I guess you get it all here:)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Countdown to Red Shoe Shuffle

Well the countdown begins for the Red Shoe Shuffle 5K in Baltimore.  This race benefits the Ronald McDonald House in the state of MD.  Originally when I was looking for a race in Baltimore this fit the criteria of 1.)  Being close 2.)  Getting an under armour shirt 3.)  Being a smaller local race.  Now that it's approaching I'm glad that I'm not just running for a time, but the proceeds actually go towards benefiting a good cause. 

The race is an out and back and loops around M&T stadium.  The first half will most likely be fast due to the downhill and well all the benefits of that downhill run will be eliminated on the second half:)  I mapped the course on and I don't really think this is a true 5k...but it's the first one of the season  and who is counting?  6 Days, but still trying to get in all the necessary training for the MD Half, which is a month away. 

Finally, today marks my first starbucks since giving it up on Ash Wednesday...I also gave up dessert.  Today I went and resumed my normal routine and got one prior to work. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday Uphill Battle

Some days you have it and some days the wheels start falling off...usually the wheels falling off days are a result of having 3 beers the night before "note to not drink beer the night before running...ha like you will ever listen to that!" 

Needless to say I ran 3 miles at an 8 min/pace.  It was hard to explain why this was tough...I didn't necessarily feel like running today either...and I skipped a strength workout yesterday.

Anyways, I decided after the 3 miles to do 4 uphill runs on a stretch of road that is about goal was to atleast feel the paces I want to be able to run.  My first one was at at 6:40 pace...(I've run that pace for two miles in a 5k and the wheels fell off after that) one 6:11 pace...I probably have not done this pace more then 5 times this past year and maybe just for a sprint near the end of a run....5:54 pace...when I saw this I laughed thinking at one point I could run a mile at this pace...finally a 5:45 pace...not as hard as I would have thought..."words from a delusional runner".

I think I enjoyed this little exercise and wouldn't mind trying it again...I would probalby try to do 8 of them next time and hopefully after a better warm up run.  I like the challenge of the uphill and know I need to do more of these types of things to improve speed.  So that's my story...sticking to it.  Wednesday...couple more days until the weekend.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Stillpower Review

I apologize if you do actually try to click the link to look inside...I took the picture off, but I have to say I did enjoy the book.

Stillpower:  The Inner Source of Athletic Excellence was recommended to me by one of the number of running websites that I review. 

I think it's safe to say that you aren't going to become instantly faster or a better runner/athlete by reading this, but the overall concepts make sense. 

Example:  If you are used to get amped up by listening to music before a race or have a certain routine prior to a game what happens if you can't do those things (i.e. forget your ipod or didn't pack your lucky socks).  You will probably not perform to your normal abilities. 

Stillpower is really the idea of being free (to a state of mind similar to how you were in childhood when you could run for the fun of running) regardless of other things going on around you. 

I tested out the theory on a 6 mile run that according to a training plan I should do at a 7:38 pace (half marathon goal race pace).  I didn't wear a watch or bring music, but brought my phone (and placed it in an armband) and went off. 

My goal was to "run free" and not think about anything...while this is impossible for most people to think about nothing when you are supposed to think about nothing I must have a gift:)  I also can lay my head down on a pillow and fall asleep in no time.  The run was easy and if had to wait at a stop light for the crosswalk I reminded myself about the concept of free running.  Anyways, I got caught up on some lights, but when I could cross I did and must have resumed at a decent pace.  I arrived at my stop point and took my phone out to see my times (although I was breathing regularly on the run I didn't feel winded or tired and my legs felt great).  Overall time was 45:30...which is about a 7:30 pace (and I stopped for some crosswalks)....maybe these concepts work maybe they don't, but I can't remember the last time I felt like this when I was running at that pace for that distance.  Maybe a sign of more things to come?