Well it’s been a long time…that doesn’t mean I stopped running…just stopped writing about it. What’s new really???...well I’ve been touring weddings nonstop, running, and working a lot, but I wanted to check in before the Baltimore Running Festival.
As mentioned above I have been running…but not necessarily training to run the 5K. The fastest run I’ve had recently was 2 miles at a combined 7:15 pace…I actually felt really good last week. I usually like to do something on Friday before a long run on Saturday…no idea why, but it just works for me. The only real change in running routine is phasing into the Brooks Pureflow…I’m currently undecided. However, in the past 3 weeks I’ve been running in them I have tripped twice…and when I say tripped I mean total wipeout falling elbow and hands first on the streets of Baltimore…if that sounded like it hurt I accurately described it. The first time I chalked it up as running downhill…maybe going a little fast and catching one of the millions of uneven sidewalks…today…I have no idea what happened, but my left hand took some damage and my right elbow did as well. This of course happened exactly about 2 miles in…so the quickest way home was a 1.5 mile run straight-line home…awesome. I’m guessing the tripping is due to staying somewhat lower to the ground or maybe not heeling striking when I’m in a rhythm?

But that’s about it….one more run on Wednesday before the Baltimore 5K.
Only one goal this time….
Goal: 21:32 … this means a PR…there is a chance. The weather forecast is almost perfect for this. If I can hit 2 – 7 minute miles I’m convinced I can turn it on for mile 3 with this course being almost all downhill for the last mile. My last 5K was almost a minute slower..but it was hot! The one before that I ran 21:56 (the same course roughly but in reverse downhill first then uphill). So here’s hoping!